A historic event took place this month — the launch of ScripTop Season 2 and, therefore, the launch of the BSS Forum. We have finished development, and now we are starting an active community life.
We have prepared a big celebration with incredible rewards in honor of this event. This happens once in a lifetime, so every participant will receive a valuable prize entirely for free.
Event 1
We want to thank the very first, the founders of the community. The people who will start it all. Therefore, everyone who leaves a comment under this thread will receive:
- Instant promotion to the Local group.
- Premium for +12 months entirely for free.
- Unique founder's trophy for 100 experience.
Event 2
Why don't we add some randomness and populate the community at the same time? Create any threads in any forums and send a link to them in the comments under this thread. New link = new comment = increased chance of your winning. At the end of the event, we will randomly select three comments with a link and reward their authors. Please note that only threads created from today are counted.
- Premium forever.
Event 3
From all the comments with links to a thread, we will choose the authors of the three most useful ones and reward them with insanely juicy rewards:
- Premium forever.
- Free ads services on any version of BSS Forum for 1,000.00 USD within 3 years.
All events take place simultaneously, all rewards are summed up with each other, and with what you have at the moment. This celebration takes place on all versions of BSS Forum separately. All events will end once 100 users leave comments under this thread.
Good luck.